Rehearsals start in a week or so as Latin Quarter play an intimate gig at The Slaughtered Lamb in Clerkenwell on 19th October. The set is likely to be similar to the Half Moon gig back in May with a few additions (including perhaps a preview of some of the material for next spring’s TRIO tour of Germany!)

I am so enjoying being part of LQ - having been a fan since the mid 80s when Steve Skaith first played Jaffa and me some of the songs he’d been writing with Mike Jones. Those songs were, of course the songs for the seminal album 'Modern Times' including the hit single Radio Africa. Steve and Jaffa reformed the band in 2012 and since have recorded 4 new albums - and I have been involved in the last 2. The most recent 'Pantomime Of Wealth' has been very well received by critics and fans alike: 

**** Latin Quarter's "Pantomime of Wealth" deals with the serious things in life

LQ Pantomime of wealth cover.jpg